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    Release Notes 30.08.2023

    30. August 2023

    Export Applications as CSV Files

    Our August 30 release now enables you to export applications which you created in Bpanda as clear CSV files. BPM managers can easily select the export when publishing applications and when using the respective 3 point menu for applications when in draft mode. The result is a complete CSV file with all information available for the respective applications, either as a published application or in draft mode. This includes the ID, name, description, manufacturer, responsible people and linked processes. This file can then be easily evaluated for other purposes. We are also currently developing additional export and input formats… So watch this space for other formats which will be available with Bpanda in the future.

    Bpanda Release August 2023 | Export Applications
    Bpanda Release August 2023 | Export Process Revisions

    Export Process Revisions: Attachments & Applications for Processes & Process Elements

    You have recently been able to export process revisions in Bpanda. Four additional columns have been added to the table which you can export: ‘Process Revision Applications’, ‘Process Element Applications’, ‘Process Revision Attachments’ and ‘Process Element Attachments’. Corresponding information to do with the entire process is shown for process revision applications and/or attachments. The columns for process element applications/attachments contain all applications/attachments linked with any element within the respective process. These are listed one after another if there is more than one application/attachment. These new columns are also included in the CSV file which you can export from Bpanda at the touch of a button.

    Export Process Revisions: New 'Current' Revision Filter

    As well as the new columns for the exportable table of process revisions, there is also now a new filter for the ‘Revision’ column. You used to only be able to filter revisions according to the number of revisions. You can now also filter according to ‘current’. This ensures that you are always shown the current relevant process version. Using the ‘Current Revision’ filter ensures that you are always shown the current (valid) version. If there is no current (valid) version, then the highest revision is shown. This ensures that the table automatically shows the relevant process revisions.

    Bpanda Release August 2023 | Process Revisions New Filter

    We have also fixed bugs reported by our customers:

    There were occasional display errors when searching for process revisions. The order and validity of process revisions are now always shown correctly in the search results for process revisions.

    If you modified processes in Innovator and then tried to reimport them back to Bpanda, this used to make risks obsolete and they were no longer assigned to a task. A risk analysis which contained such risks could therefore not be published. It is now possible to release your risk analysis, even if it contains unassigned obsolete risks. However, all risks which are not obsolete must be assigned before release can occur.