Easily Find and Understand Processes
Bpanda’s intuitive and modern user interface enables anyone within a company to easily find their way through the process landscape. You can quickly and easily find all relevant process information. Information is set out in a clear and easy way so that all team members know what steps need to be carried out.
Model and Expand Processes
Bpanda can be used by anyone to model their own processes, regardless of their previous modeling experience. The editor can use spreadsheets and automatically creates the “happy path” (the typical standard procedure of a process) in line with the information entered. The result: a BPMN 2.0-compliant process that can be added to at any time using the web modeler.

Develop and Evaluate Processes Together
Bpanda can be used as a direct channel for communication so that anyone can share their wealth of knowledge about the process with their colleagues. You can use reviews to give direct feedback about processes and develop these further as a team. This continuously improves the quality of the process throughout the entire company and enables a transparent workspace.
Optimize Processes and Put them into Practice
Bpanda uses “jobs” to take process participants through the process step-by-step. The flow is visualized in such a way that even those working in different teams know who carries out which process step and everyone can view the log. This enables both seamless collaboration and a glimpse into the actual workflow to unlock your company’s potential.

Manage Applications Easily and in One Central Location
Application management has never been so easy. You can centrally maintain all your applications using Bpanda, link individual process steps and evaluate them in real time. The application dashboard shows the links between applications and processes, covers risks such as impact of server failure, helps avoid redundancies and makes saving potentials transparent. The best basis for successful IT business alignment.
Creating, Publishing and Evaluating Risks and Chances
Bpanda ensures that processes are regularly checked and adapted with regard to risks and chances to keep in line with ever-changing compliance requirements. The dashboard can help you to identify affected processes and quickly evaluate all chances and risks. Bpanda can help increase process quality, exploit the full potential for improvement and avoid legal and financial risks.

Use Processes Anywhere and at Any Time
Bpanda’s responsive design allows you to shape it to suit your needs using a smartphone, tablet or desktop. You can use the cloud version to get started straight away and can always access the most up-to-date product version. The secure cloud is hosted in a German datacenter. Regulatory requirements prevent cloud use? No problem! Bpanda also offers an on-premise solution.
Full Integration - Use Your Modeling Tool of Choice
Processes are often modeled using more than one tool. You can use our digitalization suite Innovator and many other integration options in Bpanda.