Process Overview: Printing Versions, Including Detailed Review Information
Our July 31 release sees us continuing to improve and build on the printed process overview in Bpanda. If you print the current version of a process (as PDF), then this printed version now also contains detailed information about the given reviews. This information is summarized in its own section on the printout and contains both ratings and comments made as part of the review.

Self Help in Bpanda: New Tours Available
Our Self Help now contains even more exciting and helpful tours about working in Bpanda. You can find the Self Help on the right-hand edge of your screen. Simply click on it to find context-specific tours about the area you are currently in. They are tailored to your respective role in Bpanda. The tours help you to unlock Bpanda’s full potential and goes into features in detail. We are continuously improving our tours to make them even more helpful so you and all Bpanda users can find the information you are looking for. Our latest tours show you how to change process spaces if you have more than one process space in Bpanda and how to create applications. Click on the links to get going! Can’t See the Self Help? Then get in touch with our Customer Success Team at to activate this feature.
We have also fixed a few small bugs which customers found in this release.