Process Drafts: Automatic Saving
Our August 28 release brings with it automatic saving for process drafts in Bpanda. Bpanda periodically checks whether you have added new info and automatically saves it, regardless of whether you are currently working on a process draft, a simple process description, in a Happy Path or in the Modeler. You can recognize this save procedure by the text which appears next to the Save icon (“Saving…” -> “Saved”). This also applies for process drafts which you are working on with other people (shared drafts). You now no longer need to actively remember to save when modeling a process. This minimizes the chances of losing unsaved changes and you can concentrate fully on the process.

Process Map: More Linking Possible
As BPM manager, you can create process maps for your company. You can now change links using new drafts in the Modeler. Simply click on “Create New Draft” in your released process map. Your new draft then opens in the Modeler and you can easily change the links using the Properties window on the right-hand side and then republish the process map. You can not only link to other process maps and processes; it is now possible to add any external link, e.g. SharePoint or Confluence links. This makes linking much more flexible.
We have also fixed bugs reported by our customers:
Some accounts with a high number of users experienced problems when exporting license information in CAMP. CSV export should now work seamlessly for these larger accounts.
Process diagrams printed as landscape (PDF) are now printed fully and no longer cropped.