Q&A Tasks
We’re sure you already regularly use our Q&A area in Bpanda to get quick and reliable answers to your questions or to share your own knowledge and help others. You will never miss an opportunity to answer your colleagues’ questions again thanks to our July 29th release. Each process user will now automatically be assigned a task in Bpanda once a question has been asked about a process: Answer the question about the process “xyz”. Everyone will also be sent a newly-designed e-mail stating that the task needs to be carried out. Now it’s your turn to answer your colleague’s question or add your input. If you can’t answer the question this time, then simply mark the task as completed.

Process Map Drafts
The “Process Drafts” area is now simply called “Drafts”. All BPM managers will now be able to see a second tab in this area for process map drafts. Process map drafts are shown sorted according to modification date and can be easily deleted or submitted with just one click. You can now also directly create process map drafts in this area. These are not already linked with a particular level. Instead, you can select the level you want to publish your process map draft to when you submit it. Watch out: If a draft is already linked with a level, then it can only be published to this level. You can still continue to create process maps directly using the process hierarchy as well as in the “Drafts” area. These drafts can then also be found in the new “Process Map Drafts” area.