Dashboard for Risk Management
It’s finally here! Our February 19, 2020 release brings with it the dashboard for all BPM managers for our latest function, risk management. It is a new item in the Bpanda main menu. You can now use various analytics to gain a clear overview of all risk analyses in your company. The information is either presented as graphics, a table or figures to keep your dashboard neat and tidy. You can click on each analysis, i.e. as soon as you click on information e.g. the number of risk analyses currently running, then you are shown a list of the respective risk analyses. You can then scroll down to the individual risk analyses.
The following information can be analyzed:
- Processes according to analysis status (not rated, pending, finished)
- Uncontrolled risks in pending analyses
- Unrated chances/risks in pending analyses
- Balance risks vs. chances using risk priority displayed
- Risks by category
- New processes in the last 6 months
- Overdue analyses
- Upcoming analyses for next 30 days
- Statistical relevance: Number of relevant and non-relevant processes for risk analyses
As always, our pandas would be delighted to hear from you. Let us know what you think about the new dashboard.

Multi-Language Process Maps and Editor Improvements
It is now possible for BPM managers to translate their process maps into multiple languages You can use all the usual Bpanda process languages for this. This enables you to provide both your processes and the process map itself in other languages. Please note: The translation function is the same one that you know from translating processes. So get started straight away with your colleagues translating all process maps into all languages you use. By the way: If you require any other languages in Bpanda, just let us know.
Handy hint for all those who create process maps: Once you have created or edited a process map, then you can go ahead and decide which level you want to save and publish it in the process landscape.
Fix: Relevant Processes
There was a counting error in the “X Relevant Processes” tile on the start page. Our pandas have fixed this issue straight away. You can now only see those processes that are really relevant to you.