Assign User Roles for Bpanda Process Space in CAMP
Our February 4 release brings with it a new feature for all Bpanda account managers. Account managers manage available Bpanda licenses and assign them to users in the so-called CAMP (Customer Accounts for MID Products). The additional “Bpanda Process Space” tab is now available as soon as a process space has been created for your company. This tab has the same functions as the “Manage Users” tab under “Manage Process Space” in Bpanda: you can assign roles to users in Bpanda. You also no longer need to log-in to Bpanda every time you want to assign a role; you can do this directly in CAMP.

Risk Analysis Tasks
This release also brings with it yet another enhancement to our tasks function: Bpanda now also includes risk management tasks for process owners, BPM managers and risk managers. You are sent the task of implementing the respective risk analysis once a process has been imported or if an existing risk analysis is due to expire in the next 30 days. This means you won’t forget to do so. Simply click on the task to take you where you need to be to get going with the analysis. You can delete this risk analysis task in your task overview under “My Tasks” if an analysis is not required.
Manage Process Map Levels
It is now even easier for BPM managers to manage and edit the various levels of their process map. This is thanks to the new area “Manage Level”. You can find this in the submenu (3 dots), both in the process hierarchy and under “Manage Process Space”. This allows you to modify and translate titles and descriptions of process map levels all in one place. You can now also edit the entry point here. You only used to be able to do this in the process hierarchy.

General UX Improvements and Increased Performance for Bpanda
We have invested the time since our December release in improvements regarding performance and usability for Bpanda. Bpanda usability and quality are key factors for us in 2021. This is why we are constantly beavering away busy in the background to improve technology and add new features to help you when working with Bpanda to make it even better, smoother and more intuitive. One of these new features is e.g. that you can jump directly from a collapsed view of an organizational unit to the corresponding position in your organizational structure. There is now a direct link for this that can also be found elsewhere in Bpanda. 2021 also brings with it the option of uploading your company logo to Bpanda as SVG, as well as the usual GIF, PNG and JPEG options. Give it a go!