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    What you can expect from the webinar

    There are plenty of process management tools on offer on the market. But none quite like Bpanda. Bpanda gives you a simple leg on the ladder into the world of processes. Whether you are starting from scratch or bringing existing documentation in Word or Excel with you, Bpanda will get you on the right track, include all stakeholders and ensure a steady foundation for process management within your company.

    What are you waiting for?! Come and find out about Bpanda in our free webinar and learn why it is the perfect process management tool for you.

    4 reasons why you shouldn’t miss this webinar:

    • Now is the perfect time for implementing process management!
    • We will discuss the challenges faced by companies.
    • Learn about Bpanda and all the functions it has to offer up close and personal!
    • Ask your questions directly to our experts.

    Download presentation slides here (German only)