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    Release Notes 25.01.2023

    25. January 2023

    Filter Requirements in the Dashboard by Process Maps

    Our January 25 release brings with it even more customization options for your applications in the dashboard: you can now also filter applications by process maps . There is now the filter icon to the top-right in your dashboard view. You can use this to set whether your processes should be analyzed or only a certain process map. If you click on the filter icon, you will see the individual sub categories listed in the drop-down menu. Use these to easily select which hierarchy level you want to analyze your applications at. The filter icon then appears next to your key indicator for the individual tiles so that you can see straight away that you have set a filter. You now also have a ‘Back’ button when analyzing an application in detail. This makes it even easier to navigate through your applications.

    Bpanda: Release Notes - Filter Applications
    Bpanda: Release Notes - Share Processes

    Detailed Information about Shared Process Link

    Since our last release, you have been able to easily share links to your process in Bpanda. You can set whether the link should take you to the general process page or to a specific detail view, such as ‘Lists’, ‘Guide’ or ‘full screen mode’. We have improved this feature with our January release. If you paste the generated link from your clipboard, information about which detail view it will take you to is now also shown. This means that the person who is sent the link will know which view they will be taken to. If you are the person creating the link, then you can also see whether you have selected the exact detail view you wish to share. The ‘Share Process’ function is now also available in the Firefox browser.

    Coming Soon: Additional Analytics and Key Indicators

    We are currently beavering away extending and improving analytics of your applications and processes. This means that you will get an even more detailed overview of your various key indicators for your applications and processes and can better analyze them. You can wait for the next releases with bated breath!

    New Bpanda Feature Coming Soon

    We have also fixed some bugs reported by our customers in this release:

    Printing a process via the Modeler previously only printed the diagram, not including sequence flows. This display error has now been fixed and all elements of your process will now be shown.

    You can now also use the ‘Back’ function in your browser to take you back to the main process if you have opened a subprocess and want to return to the overview.

    If you only had one application stored in Bpanda, then a display error used to appear in your application dashboard. The dashboard will now correctly show all applications, regardless of how many you have.